Live in the love of Jesus; be rooted in his love!
Take strength in your whole being with power from above.
With riches of God’s glory, with Holy Spirit’s power,
Live out the love of Jesus in this and every hour.
Live in the love of Jesus; be grounded in his love!
Know Christ in your whole being with power from above.
Let Christ’s own holy presence through yearning faith draw near,
And fill you with his deep love, the love that casts out fear.
Live in the love of Jesus; live ready for his love!
Know deep in your own being this power from above.
This love beyond all knowing, God’s fullness holding sway;
Live out the love of Jesus in this and every day.
Text: Charles Spence Freeman, July 2021 (after Ephesians 3:14-21)
Music: Tune WEBB, George J. Webb, 1837.
I have sometimes compared my writing process to cooking in a crock pot, one that involves getting all the ingredients together and giving them plenty of time to cook into the desired result. In this case, the cooking period more resembled that of a barbecue pit (where “low and slow” is key) than a crock pot. As with my cooking experiences with slow smoking, this text only came together after I had largely given up.