The steadfast love of God will never cease nor fail;
The mercies of the Lord are sure and will prevail.
Remember love! Remember and take hope in God's unfailing love!
God's faithfulness is great, God's mercies ever new;
Our Lord will our salvation be; this hope is true.
Remember love! Remember and take hope in God's unfailing love!
The Lord is surely good to those who seek and wait;
For those who wait in quiet hope God's love is great.
Remember love! Remember and take hope in God's unfailing love!
TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, September 2022, after Lamentations 3:21-26.
MUSIC: Tune DARWALL'S 148TH, John Darwall, 1770.
When in a dry spell, go find a scripture upon which to meditate. That seems to work here. Obscure lectionary readings keep on giving.