Friday, March 8, 2019

We trust in God, the loving Holy Spirit

We trust in God, the loving Holy Spirit,
Who everywhere renews and gives us life;
Who justifies by grace through faith, and frees us
To love our God and neighbor all alike;
Who binds us all believers in one Body
Which is the church, the body of our Christ.

This Spirit, who ruled prophets and apostles,
In Christ through scripture rules our lives the same;
Calls us through Word and claims us in the water; 
Through bread and cup feeds those who call God’s name,
And calls, to serve and care for all God’s children,
Women and men, Christ’s good news to proclaim.

In this cold world, in fear and sadness broken,
The Holy Spirit holds and makes us true
Always to pray, and to all peoples witness,
To name false gods, hear voices long subdued,
To strive for justice, struggle for God’s freedom,
And holy peace for all the world renew.

By Spirit strengthened, joyful with thanksgiving,
We live to serve our Savior, Jesus Christ;
Live joyful lives, and watch for God’s dominion,
“Lord Jesus, come!” our prayer for all our time.
We trust in God, the loving Holy Spirit,
Who everywhere renews and gives us life.

TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, June 2018, rev. August 2020 (based on Book of Confessions 11.4, from A Brief Statement of Faith on the Holy Spirit)
MUSIC: Suggested tune FINLANDIA, Jean Sibelius

This is actually one of my older hymns but one that has been revisited a time or two. With the source material coming from the PC(USA)'s Book of Confessions it might seem to have a fairly specific audience, but it's available to any church or church musician who might find it useful. Caveat: while the tune might be public domain, it's possible or even likely that any harmonization(s) you have in your hymnal may not be, so don't let that slip by if you plan to use it.