Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Rejoice! Rejoice in every time

Rejoice! Rejoice in every time! Give thanks in every way.
Give thanks for Christ, the Holy One, until that promised day,
Until that promised day.

Live life in prayer without an end; live prayer in all you say.
Hold fast to good, and shun the wrong until that promised day,
Until that promised day.

Let Spirit flame burn bright in you at home, at work, at play,
And do not douse that holy fire until that promised day,
Until that promised day:

That promised day when Christ shall come, when hope shall be made true,
For faithful is the one who calls to show us life anew,
To show us life anew.

TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, July 2020 (after 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24)
MUSIC: Tune CHRISTMAS, George Frederick Handel, 1728; arr. Lowell Mason, 1821.

Another hymn for the Advent Hymnary project.

Monday, July 27, 2020

When our race is not the fastest

When our race is not the fastest,
Nor in battle are we strong,
When our wisdom no more holds forth
In the face of hate and wrong,
Hold us, God, in true compassion;
Hold our sorrow, hear our grief.
Keep us, even when we struggle
In bewildered disbelief.

When fate shows us hard disfavor
And we flail against the tide,
When disaster pulls us under
And all rescue is denied,
Hold us, God, in true compassion;
Be our shelter in the storm.
Knit our broken souls together
And our flick'ring faith reform.

Though the world despise your wisdom,
Though the world reject your way,
Keep us firm in your sustaining,
Give us words of truth to say.
Hold us, God, in true compassion;
Midst the shouts of hate and fear,
Give us words of quiet wisdom;
With your loving grace draw near.

Text: Charles Spence Freeman, July 2020 (after Ecclesiastes 9:11-18)
Music: Tune PLEADING SAVIOR, Leavitt's Christian Lyre, 1830-31

From a preaching series on Ecclesiastes.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Let words be few

Let words be few, and guard your steps into the holy place; 
With reverence listen for the Lord in God's own sacred space.

Now listen well in quiet time; speak not in undue haste,
Lest mindless words turn sacred time into a foolish waste.

For God above is God alone, and you on earth God's child;
So let your words be few and wise, your witness undefiled.

Let not your mouth leave you in sin and wand'ring from the way,
Lest God be grieved by harmful words that cause your heart to stray.

Let words be few, and guard your steps into the holy place;
With reverence listen for the Lord in God's own sacred space.

Text: Charles Spence Freeman, July 2020 (after Ecclesiastes 5:1-5)
Music: Suggested tune DETROIT, Supplement to Kentucky Harmony, 1820

From a preaching series on Ecclesiastes.