Sunday, September 29, 2019

I'm not ashamed, whate'er my trial

I’m not ashamed, whate’er my trial; I know in whom I trust.
I trust our Savior, Jesus Christ, and follow him I must.
I know that he is capable to guard until that day
The life that I entrust to Christ who is my truth and way.

Hold on, dear friends, to what you know, to all you have been taught;
Stand fast in God’s most holy Word, that truth you long have sought.
In faith and love that are Christ’s own be true to this you know,
This treasure you are given as you in God’s own Spirit grow.

TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, 2019, after 2 Timothy 1:12-14
MUSIC: Suggested tune RESIGNATION, USA folk melody, Lewis’s Beauties of Harmony, 1828

Yup, another one from the lectionary epistle reading. This one actually marinated for a few days before coming together, but for now keeping on doing the work seems like a discipline I need for now. Still, it works, I think (though I'm quite certain some editing is in its future), and the tune seems particularly suitable for the text.

Monday, September 23, 2019

God, grant us the contentment

God, grant us the contentment
            Of knowing what we need,
Not wanting after riches
            That cause the soul to bleed.
Deliver us from evil
            That comes of loving wealth,
But hold us in your true love,
            Your life and breath and health.

Give us the grace, our dear Lord,
            To seek your gift of love;
To choose that which is faithful
            And peace-like as the dove.
With righteousness and goodness
            And gentleness to give,
O God of all our living,
            Hold us and help us live.

For we who know abundance,
            Let us not live in pride,
But only in your goodness,
            Lord, teach us to abide.
Keep us from vain desiring
            That leads to pain and strife,
But give to us your best gift:
            Life that is truly life.

TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, 2019, after 1 Timothy 6:6-19.
MUSIC: Suggested tune SALLEY GARDENS, Irish folk melody.

Hopefully it is clear that these are not strict scripture paraphrases. Plenty of this passage is not reflected in the hymn. Still, I hope that this run of hymns are of some use in accompanying and perhaps interpreting these scriptures in song. And now I'm going to have to preach on all these epistle readings some day to be able to use these hymns in worship. (And yes, SALLEY GARDENS does appear as a hymn tune, at least in Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal, attached to the old William Cowper text "Sometimes a light surprises.") 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Take on the mind of Christ

Take on the mind of Christ our Lord: though God in every way,
He did not cling to heav’nly form, but gave himself away.

Take on the mind of Christ our Lord: he took a servant mind,
Yes, Christ, the Everlasting One took on our human kind.

Take on the mind of Christ our Lord, who did not call it loss
To be obedient to the end of death upon a cross.

TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, 2019, after Philippians 2:5-8
MUSIC: Tune DETROIT, Supplement to Kentucky Harmony, 1820.

Here is an adaptation of Philippians 2:5-8, the first half of one of the most noteworthy "Christ hymns" found in the epistles of the New Testament. The intention was to set the whole hymn (2:5-11), but the two halves are so distinct in tone and effect that it seemed best to leave this one as it is. Perhaps the second half will come at another moment, and maybe even to a different tune.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

I am no longer what I was

I am no longer what I was – deceitful tongue and violent mind – 
For my Lord Christ has made me strong through his own mercy, good and kind.

I did not know my futile ways; my ignorance led down paths of wrong.
But Jesus claimed me for his own, and cleared my heart, and changed my song.

The grace of God flowed o’er my soul with faith and love that are Christ’s own,
For Jesus came to save us all, and plant his love where hate had grown.

Now to the Lord, our only God, unseen, immortal God of love,
Give all our honor for all time, and glory here as giv’n above.

TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, 2019, after 1 Timothy 1:12-17
MUSIC: Suggested tune O WALY WALY, English folk melody

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

I thank my God

“I thank my God each time that I remember you.
            I thank my God who reigns on high above, 
Because your faith in our Lord Jesus shines in you,
            and how you hold the saints in faithful love.”
Oh, let our love so shine in how we choose to live
            within the body of the Christ, our Lord;
In how we give and care and serve each other too;
            for thus we show our Love for Jesus Christ our Lord.

TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, 2019, after Philemon 4-5
MUSIC: Tune LONDONDERRY AIR, Traditional Irish tune (public domain)

Again, more hymn writing for the sake of disciplining myself to do it without waiting around for "inspiration," and I suppose being accountable with it too (otherwise I could just trash this and never let anybody see it). I suppose it was inevitable that someone who marched for four years in the Dublin (GA) High School Fighting Irish Band would eventually turn to LONDONDERRY AIR, a modified version of which was the fight song we played oh, so many times. It does show up as a hymn tune in some hymnals, though, so it's not completely nuts. And hey, Philemon needs some hymns.