Sunday, January 5, 2025

Gifts of the Spirit

Gifts of the Spirit God gives all around,

So that God's witness may sound and resound.

Many and varied the gifts God will give;

All are from God for the lives that we live.


One receives wisdom for our souls to heed;

One receives knowledge for our minds to read.

Some faith, some healing, some gift to discern;

All gifts God-given to each one in turn.


All gifts are given for our common good,

So we bear witness the way that we should. 

So many gifts, from one Spirit the same; 

Praise to the Spirit who moves in God's name.



TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, January 2025, after 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 (Epiphany 2C)
MUSIC: Tune SLANE, Irish ballad.



Hopefully the beginning of a series of hymns on the epistle readings from 1 Corinthians that follow Epiphany in year C.