Sunday, August 28, 2022

A Vocation Song

What is a call? What does it mean?

            To take new roads, but sight unseen?

To find a path new and unknown,

            and know it's God's, and not my own?


To understand, we all should ask:

            Is there a joy in this new task?

Does this bring gladness to the soul?

            Can we rejoice to meet this goal?


But also ask ere we proceed:

            Does this help meet the world's great need? 

Can those who suffer want or pain 

            yet be made new and whole again?


We are not called to endless grief,

            nor only bliss beyond belief; 

Our call is where our joy complete

            and all the world's deep hunger meet.



TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, August 2022, after words

            by Frederick Buechner

MUSIC: Suggested tune O WALY WALY, English folk melody



I would be among those deeply affected by the recent death of novelist/essayist/Presbyterian pastor Frederick Buechner. I have most of this books and have probably quoted his works more in my sermons than any source other than scripture. It's probably not an accident that my writing has been stuck since his death was reported. One of his more famous sayings provided, after some extended reflection/wrestling, the text here. It's set to a familiar hymn tune because that's how I work, but my guess is that this is much more song than hymn.



  1. I like it and can imagine how it could be put to good use in the context of a sermon dealing with our calling as disciples of Christ. It's a hymn in that sense, as much as many items in the hymnal.

  2. Charles F., well done. As to the question posted in your bio: a fool in an amazing company of fools...
