Friday, December 1, 2023

As years o'ertake us

As years o'ertake us, how our bodies fail and stumble gracelessly!

Our hearts lament what once they were but nevermore again can be. 

We rail and rage against our age and how we ne'er again will know

The vigor of our youthful frame; the strength we knew those years ago.


Or yet our minds may be the first to falter as the years go on; 

What once we knew with graceful ease now fails and falters and is gone.

Our memory fades and then evades us, leaving us in doubt and fear

That we might find ourselves still living, yet in vital ways, not here.


O great creating God, where are you when our lives are crumbling so?

O Christ, Redeemer, how are we to follow when we cannot go?

O Spirit free, how can we be refreshed and made new in this state?

Or are we bound to be laid low and watch ourselves degenerate?


O Three in One, where'er you are, give answer to our failing cry!

How can we serve you in this state, or is there any point to try?

We know that you are faithful to us in whatever we may face,

So Lord, we pray you teach us how to live through this in love and grace.



TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, November 2023.

MUSIC: Tune YE BANKS AND BRAES, Scottish melody.

This hymn is not for everybody. If it's not for you or if you take offense at it, move on. For those who need it, it is yours.

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