Sunday, February 4, 2024

Then Jesus came from Nazareth

Then Jesus came from Nazareth, his home in Galilee,

And was baptized in Jordan's flow by the baptizer John.

On rising up from Jordan's depths his opening eyes did see

Torn-open skies, descending Spirit; God's beloved Son.


Immediately he was compelled into the wilderness,

By Satan tested forty days before his trial was done,

With wild beasts in remote terrain of danger and distress;

But angels came and ministered to God's beloved Son


Then Jesus, with his testing done, returned to Galilee,

And there began his holy task to spread to everyone

The gospel of God's kingdom drawing near for all to see.

And so began the saving work of God's beloved Son.



TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, February 2024, after Mark 1:9-15.

MUSIC: Tune KINGSFOLD, English Country Songs, 1893; harm. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906.



A text for the first Sunday of Lent in which the gospel of Mark, in its typical manner, makes quick work of the baptism and testing of Jesus and launches into his ministry with what might be in modern terms described as his "mission statement" or maybe "topic sentence." Mark does make quick work of things.

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