Saturday, May 4, 2024

Teach us to wait, Lord

Teach us to wait, Lord, teach us to wait 

Like the disciples seeking their fate

After Ascension, as Jesus said; 

Wait for the Spirit, wait to be led.


Teach us to wait, Lord, teach us to wait - 

Not get discouraged, not hesitate; 

But fix our hearts on seeking God's will,

Prayerful and patient, yielded and still.


Teach us to wait, Lord, teach us to wait,

Knowing the Sprit's power is great. 

Pentecost, peril, protest, or praise; 

Lord, make us ready for coming days.


Teach us to wait, Lord, teach us to wait,

To seek the pathway narrow and straight

So that not our will but yours be done; 

Lord, make us ready. Lord, make us one. 



TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, May 2024, 

              after Acts 1:15-17, 21-26,

MUSIC: Tune ADELAIDE, George C. Stebbins, 1907.



Trying to make hymn verse out of this passage would be a bit like trying to set meeting minutes to music. Waiting as a practice necessary for the disciples at this point offers a way in to an instruction the church can sing.

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