Friday, June 14, 2024

There is a fountain, new text

There is a fountain, born of love, from which God's mercy rains.

O lost and lonely, look above; be free of sorrow's chains.

Be free of sorrow's chains, be free of sorrow's chains.

O lost and lonely, look above; be free of sorrow's chains.


This fountain pours its healing on unjust and just the same; 

Lay down your vain and wounding pride; call on the holy name.

Call on the holy name, call on the holy name.

Lay down your vain and wounding pride; call on the holy name.


This fountain flows with healing grace to make the broken whole; 

Come to this fountain and receive rest for your weary soul.

Rest for your weary soul, rest for your weary soul.

Come to this fountain and receive rest for your weary soul.


Come to the fountain; let it wash your fear and guilt away; 

In Jesus Christ, God's only son, come find a brand-new day.

Come find a brand-new day, come find a brand-new day.

In Jesus Christ, God's only son, come find a brand-new day.



TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, June 2024.

MUSIC: Tune CLEANSING FOUNTAIN, Early American Melody.

Written at the request of a friend, for whom the tune is beautiful but the original text...less so.

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