Friday, August 16, 2024

Be strong in the Lord


Be strong in the Lord, in the strength of God’s power; 

Put on the whole armor of God

So then you’ll be able, all firm and stable,

To stand and withstand.


Wrap holy truth now around you;

Wrap yourself sure – make it fast.

Put on the breastplate of righteousness

That your defense may last.



Choose holy shoes now to take you

Good news of peace to proclaim.

Shield yourself with the faith God gives you

To live in Jesus’ name.



Salvation’s helmet protect you; 

Sword of the Spirit, God’s Word,

That you may ward off the flames of fear

And all the lies you’ve heard.




Text and tune: Charles Spence Freeman, August 2021 (after Ephesians 6:10-20)

This is really not how I normally work, but in this case text and sort-tune arrived largely together about three years ago. I'm not gifted enough to create an accompaniment for the tune (someone else is working on one but can't be sure to have it usable in time, since I didn't give her much heads-up) but for those who are, here's a text for the epistle reading for Sunday, August 25. I could easily see this being sung with a leader for the verses and all on the chorus.

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