God is not lifted up far away;
God is not hid in deeps far below;
Take this word on your heart and your tongue:
God is with you wherever you go.
May the Lord speak through you;
May you be God’s messenger on the way.
May the Lord shine through you,
How you live, how you work, what you say.
Who will offer the word of the Lord
To the ones who have not heard his name?
So how lovely the feet of the ones
Who will take the good news to proclaim!
TEXT: CSF, 2014, 2019, after Romans 10:6-8, 15
MUSIC: Tune SWEET BY AND BY, Joseph P. Webster, 1868
This has previously existed with just the one verse as a charge and blessing; it felt as though Romans 10 had more to offer. And yes, this reaches back to an "oldie goldie" tune, along the lines of this hymn.