The reign of Christ compels us to bear a witness true
To glorify our Savior in all we say and do.
The Lord, who in our living is sovereign above all,
Compels and draws us always to live into this call.
As Christ first bore good witness to God’s almighty power,
So we are charged to sound forth in this and every hour.
With calls to truth and justice, with words of peace and love,
We give our testimony to our good God above.
By Spirit’s power unyielding we bear that witness true,
Not just with words but actions that we are called to do.
In work that lifts up God’s own that this world calls “the least,”
We call the world to gather at God’s own holy feast.
For God our king and ruler, all that we have, we give.
Our witness is embodied in every way we live.
So let us join our living to words of love and grace,
That Christ’s own holy justice may reign in every place.
TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, June 2021.
MUSIC: Tune LLANGLOFFAN, Welsh folk melody; Llwybrau Moliant, 1872.
This text was provoked by a sermon by Rev. Cecilia Armstrong and service given at the Presbyterian Association of Musicians Worship and Music Conference at Montreat Conference Center in North Carolina on June 29, 2021. The scripture from Revelation 1:4b-8, in particular the reference to Christ as “the faithful witness” in verse 5, provided the starting point for the sermon (at least as I understood it) and this hymn as well.