A set of hymns for the four Sundays of the not-as-far-away-as-you-think season of Advent, year B.
Advent 1B: I thank my God for you each time I pray
I thank my God for you each time I pray for God to keep you blameless on that day.
God gives true grace to you in Christ the Son, so you are strengthened by the Holy One.
I thank my God for you each time I pray for God to keep you blameless on that day.
The Word of Christ is strong among you all, so you lack nothing for your spiritual call.
Now wait for the revealing of God's Son; receive the strength of God's own Holy One.
I thank my God for you each time I pray for God to keep you blameless on that day.
God is a faithful God, who calls to you to live, in everything you say and do,
In fellowship with Jesus, God's own Son, the Christ, the Savior, God's own Holy One.
I thank my God for you each time I pray for God to keep you blameless on that day.
TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, May 2020, after 1 Cor. 1:3-9 (Advent 1B)
MUSIC: Tune VENITE ADOREMUS, Italian folk melody, Children's Praise, 1871 ( with refrain)
Advent 2B: It was written by the prophet
It was written by the prophet named Isaiah in that day:
"See, a messenger before you, one who will prepare your way."
Crying out in darkest night, one who comes to show the light.
"In this time of bleakest chaos, now prepare the Lord a way;
Make a path both true and certain for the One who comes this day."
Prophet words foretold the light, all amidst the dark of night.
John was he who spoke this message, out in Jordan's wilderness;
Preaching and baptizing freely, both to chastise and to bless
All who did confess their sin. Then he placed this hope within:
"He who comes with heav'nly power brings the Spirit now to bless,
Far beyond this splash of water in this lonely wilderness."
Now prepare your hearts within, that your life be whole again.
TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, June 2020, after Mark 1:1-8 (Advent 2B)
MUSIC: Tune IRBY, Henry John Gauntlett, 1849. (
Advent 3B: Rejoice! Rejoice in every time
Rejoice! Rejoice in every time! Give thanks in every way.
Give thanks for Christ, the Holy One, until that promised day,
Until that promised day.
Live life in prayer without an end; live prayer in all you say.
Hold fast to good, and shun the wrong until that promised day,
Until that promised day.
Let Spirit flame burn bright in you at home, at work, at play,
And do not douse that holy fire until that promised day,
Until that promised day:
That promised day when Christ shall come, when hope shall be made true,
For faithful is the one who calls to show us life anew,
To show us life anew.
TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, July 2020 (after 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24)
MUSIC: Tune CHRISTMAS, George Frederick Handel, 1728; arr. Lowell Mason, 1821.
Advent 4B: To our God, who holds you strong
To our God, who holds you strong and will not let your soul succumb,
As foretold by Christ the Lord, who was and is and is to come:
Through our Christ, to God be glory, now, forever, Amen!
Once concealed in deepest mystery, kept in secret long ago,
Now revealed in prophet story that the world may come to know:
Through our Christ, to God be glory, now, forever, Amen!
By command of God eternal is this truth now made full-known,
So we folk of God's creation might true faith both live and own:
Through our Christ, to God be glory, now, forever, Amen!
Jesus Christ our only glory, low-born once, will come again;
He who was despised, rejected will on earth forever reign:
Through our Christ, to God be glory now, forever, Amen!
TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, August 2020 (after Romans 16:25-27)
MUSIC: Suggested tune REGENT SQUARE, Henry Thomas Smart, 1867
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