The true Vine is Jesus, our Savior and Lord,
And God is the vinegrower, faithful and true.
That Vine God is pruning in all good accord;
It bears faithful fruit that is freshening and new.
The true vine is Jesus, both faithful and sure,
And we are the branches, now cleansed by his word.
As branches we dwell in the Vine strong and pure,
And by that good nurture our fulness is stirred.
Remain and abide in our only true Vine
And we will bear fruit that gives life to the soul.
So Jesus is blessed when by God’s good design
We are true disciples, all fruitful and whole.
TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, April 2021, after John 15:1-8
MUSIC: Tune FOUNDATION, American folk melody; Funk’s Genuine Church Music, 1832; alt.
This reading for Easter 5B is often read as partly threat; what does not bear fruit is tossed away and burned. It becomes easy to miss the promise – abide in the vine and you will bear fruit. This hymn response to the scripture tries to emphasize the latter.