Friday, October 11, 2024

Can you drink the cup I drink

"Can you drink the cup I drink,

Filled with painful, bitter wine?

My baptism, can you bear,

This sore burden that is mine?"


Worldly rulers will not bend,

Lording over all they claim.

Those who follow Jesus dear

Will be servants in his name.


For the Son of Man did come 

All to serve and show the way

And to set his people free,

Now to live in God's new day.




TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, October 2024, after Mark 10:35-45.

MUSIC: Tune AUS DER TIEFE RUFE ICH, attr. Martin Herbst, 1676.



When two of the disciples seek privileged places at Jesus's side, his response turns from direct reprimand to describing what being a follower of Jesus looks like. Personally, it didn't seem right to glorify the two disciples by name here, but Jesus's answer is worth a hymn reflection. 


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