Tuesday, May 11, 2021

See our Jesus now ascending

See our Jesus now ascending, heaven-bound for us to plead! 

Now, his earthly work completed, he for us will intercede

For our pains and for our sufferings, for our want and daily need.


See his body lifted upward, wounded hands and feet and side!

Every scar is now exalted, every wound is sanctified.

Crucified and then arisen, now forever glorified!


His disciples upward gazing, mute in wonder at the sight;

Now their Friend and true Companion from their side has taken flight.

Now his call is their commission as he takes to holy height.


Praise to God the great Creator; praise to God, redeeming Son;

Praise to God, sustaining Spirit, one in three and three in one.

So it was in the beginning, and shall be ‘til time is done.



TEXT: Charles Spence Freeman, May 2021, after Luke 24:36-53.

MUSIC: Suggested tune WESTMINSTER ABBEY, Henry Purcell, 1680; adapt. Ernest Hawkins, 1843.



So apparently, I have a thing for overlooked occasions on the liturgical calendar. After the somewhat longer struggle to complete the previous entry, “When Jesus knew his time had come,” this text fell together ridiculously fast while preparing to give a devotional on “Christ is Made the Sure Foundation” as paired with WESTMINSTER ABBEY in Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal. If only either one had come together early enough to get into the recording process for the week’s service…

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